Phoenix's dedicated Study Support team
Our students are at the forefront of everything we do at Phoenix, a fact which couldn’t be truer for our Study Support team, who are on hand to assist you during your studies. Every student has access to their services, which include mock exam marking, Q&A webinars and more.
Every member of the Study Support team is TechIOSH certified with experience studying the same courses our students do. Because of this they know about all the challenges studying can pose, such as stress and exam day worries, as well as how best to help you overcome these challenges and pass your exams first time.
Along with the Study Support services, students also gain access to a range of E-learning materials they can use to aid their studies.
Have any questions? Check out FAQs below and Exam FAQs on our NEBOSH page. Or, if you can’t find your answer here, contact the Study Support team.