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NEBOSH stands for "National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health." They offer globally recognised qualifications in workplace health, safety, and environmental management.
Results are notified by NEBOSH after completing the course. NEBOSH send out the results 10-12 weeks after the exams. Your certificates will arrive after the results have been announced.
Your certificate or diploma is sent to you by Phoenix after the results have been announced. Your certificates will arrive from Phoenix 10-12 weeks after the results have been announced.
The Phoenix Pass Pledge will cover your additional studies, but you retake the exams at your own cost.
You can now book NEBOSH exams on this page.
NEBOSH Certificates are level 3, which is equivalent to an A level qualification. NEBOSH Diplomas are level 6, which is equivalent to an Honours Degree.
There are no entry requirements, which makes the NEBOSH Certificate an ideal starting point for your health and safety training. Learners must have a suitable standard of English language to understand and articulate the concepts contained in the syllabus.
There is no formal entry requirement. However, achievement of the NEBOSH National General Certificate, or a direct equivalent (level 3), is highly recommended before undertaking the Diploma course.
An appropriate standard of English language is also essential for students to understand the syllabus and articulate the concepts it contains. NEBOSH recommends a minimum standard of English equivalent to an International English Language Testing System (IELTS) score of 7.0 or higher.
There are no entry requirements; however, this course is best suited to managers, supervisors and staff who have responsibility in managing environmental issues.
We recommend asking family, friends or colleagues if they have a suitable workplace. Alternatively, as part of the Phoenix Facebook Community group, you can ask your fellow NEBOSH students. We also allow practical assessments to be completed as part of voluntary unpaid work.
With an open book exam, you can have access to textbooks, course notes and the internet during the exam. You complete you NEBOSH open Book Exam at home, or a suitable location. The NEBOSH Open Book Exam must be completed within 24 hours.
Following the open book exam is a short closing interview, which takes approximately 15 minutes. This interview ensures that the work you have submitted is your own.
You should receive the link the day before your closing interview.
There are no formal requirements for the NEBOSH Oil & Gas Certificate, however, we do recommend that candidates compete the NEBOSH International or National General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety or equivalent level 3 certificate, prior to undertaking the International Technical Certificate in Oil and Gas Operational Safety.
NEBOSH will send your certificate to print, within 20 working days from you receiving your last unit result and once printed will be sent direct to Phoenix. Once received we will then contact you for a full postal address of where it should be sent. IOSH – certificates take around 3-4 weeks from the end of classroom courses or the date you receive your risk assessment result for E-Learning.
OBE results are released 50 working days from the exam date and practical assessment results are released 10 weeks from the submission date (not exam date).
If you have previously sat an OBE, you will need to use the same log in details that you used for your previous exam sitting, even if it was a different qualification – NEBOSH only issue one log in. If you are sitting your first exam, you will need to ring NEBOSH direct, as we have no access to the OBE portal or log on’s - +44(0)116 263 4700 or
Currently 9:00 UK time on the day of the exam, however from 1st December onwards, this will change to 11:00 UK time.
Exam FAQs
All the examination dates are located here.
Yes, and you will not be penalised for doing so. If you want to add extra points to one of your answers, we recommend going back to the question once you've provided an answer for each of them.
Students can book their exams here.
At the end of the exam, at the bottom of the exam paper in a specific box. You should reference all sources used, such as Phoenix course material, websites (HSE etc) and documents, such as legislation. You are not penalised for not referencing, though it does show the examiner what resources you have used.
Results are issued 50 working days from the submission deadline for your examination.
We strongly advise that you do not book any examinations without completing at least one full mock assessment.
For classroom and virtual classroom students, you are automatically enrolled onto the next available examination, therefore if you wish to defer your examinations to a later date, you will need to contact our training team via for UK students and for International Students.
You can use any type of argument. However, if a question asks for a specific type of argument, whether it be legal, financial, or moral, you should use that.
This is down to personal preference. Though starting with the one’s that you find easy may help you get going and build confidence.
Yes, a number is provided by NEBOSH.
Yes, active, and reactive are not specifically related to either positive or negative responses, so if positive of negative responses are not stated in the question, you can use either.
We recommend using the PEE (point, evidence, explanation) or KUS (knowledge, understanding, scenario) answer structure during the exam for longer answers.
No, they do not affect your marks provided your answer is understandable.
You can apply to NEBOSH for a partial refund of the exam fees if you meet the criteria outlined in their refund policy.
Yes, either bullet points or paragraphs.
Full guidance for the practical assessments is sent via the examination joining instructions including the email address to send your assignments too.
You can do the examinations in any order that you wish if the core reading is complete prior to the examination.
For the OBE examinations, you will need to contact NEBOSH via For the practical risk assessments, this is sent to you automatically within 74 hours of the results being released.
Pass: 45%-64%
Credit: 65%-74%
Distinction: 75% or higher
Give 1 answer per mark available (e.g. 10 distinct answers for a 10 mark question)
Each answer should be within our guidance of between 25 to 35 words, aiming for an overall word count of between 3,000 to 3,500 words over the whole paper.
Ensure the word count is spread proportionately over each question. For example, a 5 mark question we would expect to see a lower word count than a 10 mark question, and a 10 mark question a lower word count than a 15 mark question.
Ensure answers are concise and directly answer the question asked, sticking as close to the word count as possible.
Separate each answer using either bullet points or paragraphs.
Where a question and answer is split into multiple parts, ensure this is clearly indicated on your answer sheet.
Ensure your answer demonstrates your knowledge and understanding of the topic and task set, and ensure you have explained your answer using the scenario as an example, as stated in the task.
If you are unsure of what the question is asking check the task against the learning outcome contained within the NEBOSH syllabus guidance.
The Example is based on the following question: “Task 1: Justifying health and safety improvements - What financial arguments could you use to justify your proposed recommendations to segregate FLTs and the workers?”
The scenario snip we will use for the example is: “There have been many injuries recorded over the years. Most recently, a repeat of a more serious collision occurred involving a young FLT driver. The brakes were applied too late, as the driver was distracted by their mobile phone, the FLT skidded on an oil spillage and knocked goods over onto a passing worker.”
Point (the knowledge):
Sum up the main idea for your answer – this information can be found in your course material or additional resources such as:
The knowledge for this question would be “financial arguments” we will understand this by linking the task provided “Task 1: Justifying health and safety improvements” with the course syllabus. We will see that justifying health and safety improvements fall under element 1.1 and 1.2.
By looking at the course syllabus we will see that financial arguments are discussed within those elements, therefore the knowledge (types of financial arguments) can be found within the course material elements 1.1 and 1.2. such as Compensation claims.
Evidence (use the scenario):
Provide evidence for the point you are making – this information can be found in the scenario
In this part you need to read the scenario that was provided for that specific exam, while reading the scenario you will be searching for information that links with the question, in this case the question wants to justify financial arguments for segregating FLTs and the workers.
Therefore we need to find a piece of scenario that will link with the FLT and workers so we can explain why segregation will be needed, that is why the piece of scenario below will be chosen for this example:
“the FLT skidded on an oil spillage and knocked goods over onto a passing worker.”
Explain: (link the point and evidence)
Now that you have your knowledge and a piece of scenario it is now time to link them together by providing your understanding, you would need to ensure your answer remains specific to the question.
When we provide our understanding we explain both why and how the point and evidence link. See the example answer below:
Compensation claims can be avoided by reducing accidents through segregation of FLTs and workers if there had to be another oil spillage the segregation will prevent products falling onto workers, resulting in no injury to compensate.
So we are explaining why segregation will make an impact, and how it makes an impact on the financial argument provided.
Login to your NEBOSH portal:
Select your course
Click on the technical learner guide (it will download automatically when you click on it), the technical learner guide explains step by step how to download and upload your NEBOSH examination.
This depends on which course you are studying:
NEBOSH International and National Certificate – 3000 words (100 marks)
NEBOSH Environmental certificate – 3000 words (100 marks)
NEBOSH Fire certificate – 3000 words (100 marks)
NEBOSH Construction certificate – 4500 words (150 marks) risk assessment part – no word count (50 marks)
It is recommended that each answer should have 25 to 35 words.
Please note: you will not be penalised by NEBOSH for exceeding this word count. The word count is in place as a recommendation by NEBOSH to ensure:
That you provide answers in a concise and simpler manner.
Enable you to demonstrate your understanding by linking the scenario with the knowledge.
Time-management tool as longer answer would take a longer period of time to complete.
This depends on which course you are studying:
NEBOSH International and National Certificate – 24 hours
NEBOSH Environmental certificate – 24 hours
NEBOSH Fire certificate – 24 hours
NEBOSH Construction certificate – 48 hours
If a question specifically requires you to reference the legislation then you have to reference either the legislation or quote content from within that legislation. A question which requires this could look like:
What general duties of employers to their employees are likely to have been breached with the contractor’s accident in this scenario? (10)
Note: You should support your answer, where applicable, using relevant information from the scenario.
NG1/NGC1: You only need to consider those duties of employers under section 2 of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
IG1/IGC1: You only need to consider those obligations placed upon employers under Recommendation 10 of International Labour Organisation R164 - Occupational Safety and Health Recommendation,1981 (No. 164).
This would mean for national students you are only allowed to make use of – refer to highlighted in yellow a reference would look like this: HASAWA 1974 Sec 2(2a)
This would mean for International students you are only allowed to make use of – refer to highlighted in blue a reference would look like this: ILO R164 R10(a)
If the question does not require this then a reference to legislation is not required within your answer. Other types of references could be used such as ISO45001 clauses, though this would depend on the question.
At the end of your examination you have to reference all the resources you have taken information from to complete your answers. You do not have to be specific when referencing and example of referencing would look like this:
Yes. When using an acronym your first reference must always be in full of the acronym in brackets and from thereon you can use that acronym, for example.
Health and safety (H&S) – First use of the acronym from this point forward throughout your examination you can write H&S is stead of health and safety.
Open book exam (OBE) – you can submit your final NEBOSH exam in either word format or as a PDF.
Risk assessment – you need to submit in PDF.
Name of the document – Your name, Surname, learner number, learning partner.
This is your decision, you do not have to complete your question in order such as 1, 2, 3….
There are some students that prefer going easy to hard so they can secure their marks, other student prefer going hard to easy to get the difficult ones out of the way.
Yes, but we would not recommend giving more then 1 or 2 extra answers. We suggest that you first complete the minimum requirements of the exam i.e. 100 marks = 100 answers, then, if you have time, you can go back and add the additional answers.
No, NEBOSH does not award half marks, so it's very important that you ensure you assess the scenario, questions, and that you ensure your answers contain the required information needed for a mark.
A NEBOSH question can ask for two ways to reference the scenario in your answers, what is important is that you understand that every answer still requires you to use the scenario.
1. What are the benefits of using the checklist of critical behaviours during these behavioural safety audits (BSAs)? (10) Note: You should support your answer, where applicable, using relevant information from the scenario.
When the question states "where applicable" they mean using specific content within the scenario relating to the answer. Every piece of evidence should support the knowledge, in this case the benefits of using a checklist of critical behaviours in BSAs. You may not need to use evidence for every point, but when you do you must use this specific evidence to score marks, for example to support and explanation as to why this benefit is good for BSAs.
1.You try to inform the supervisor that the root causes of unsafe behaviour are usually management failures. Based on the scenario only, what management failures are likely to have contributed to this accident? (10)
When the question states “scenario only” you must use specific content from the scenario in every answer. For example, with this question it says “this accident” that means you have to speak about the accident that happened in the scenario, and every answer must relate to something about the accident or the actual accident.
Step away from the question for a bit, refresh your mind by taking a break, or continue with another question. When you feel ready go back to this question and try locating more answers.
You can make use of the same knowledge but must use different information from the scenario, or you can use the same scenario pieces, but must ensure your knowledge is different.
Do some additional research by making use of external sources of information such as the: National – International – websites. Just ensure that when you use google that you make use of trustworthy resources.
Your examination will become live at 11:00 AM UK time – please ensure if you are not UK based that you check the time difference between the UK and your National country.
You can email NEBOSH at or, for a more efficient and quicker response you can make use of the live chat on their website:
Yes, please just ensure the resources you make use of are trustworthy.
Examples of additional resources are: